The 3rd Global Mental Health Advocacy Forum
online, 17-19 July 2024
The Global Mental Health Advocacy Forum 2024 is the third global event organised by the Global Mental Health Action Network (the Action Network). It is the largest convening of civil society stakeholders working on mental health advocacy. This event unites experts and advocates from 150+ countries, dedicated to improving mental health for all.
Over two days, we are learning about the incredible work taking place within local communities, at a national level, regionally and globally to enhance our joint advocacy efforts. During this event, we are covering everything from establishing youth leadership to exploring the detrimental impact of worsening climate conditions and the need for sustainable financing mechanisms. It is a unique opportunity to learn from peers, exchange expertise, and share the best practices for impactful advocacy.
Those registered get the opportunity to hear insights from our global community of changemakers, as well as thought leaders, including Devora Kestel (WHO), Zeinab Hijazi (UNICEF), Graham Thornicroft (King's College London), Shekhar Saxena (Harvard School of Public Health), Gary Belkin (Billion Minds Institute), Madhuri Jha (ETR), the "Wounded Healer" Ahmed Hankir, and many more!
Our Global Mental Health Advocacy Forum is showcasing the efforts of global mental health advocacy and provides a platform to strengthen collective impact. It is the largest gathering of its kind in the world, bringing together people who are often not included in other international conferences and gatherings, including activists, grassroots organisations, practitioners, researchers, UN agencies and donors.
What is on the Advocacy Forum agenda?
Day 1
A new Strategy for the Action Network
Stigma and Discrimination in Mental Health: Tackling a Neglected Issue
Communications Strategies for navigating inequities in mental health funding
Promotion and prevention in youth mental health: Global innovations
Funding the frontline: How do we finance mental health in all policies?
Mental Health in Universal Health Coverage - Primary Health Care and Beyond
Day 2
How we can harness the power of storytelling to humanise persons living with a mental health condition and reject stigma
Global Minds, One Planet: Cultivating Resilience for a Sustainable Future
Pride & Prejudice: Navigating Queer Mental Health in Hostile Climate
Effective suicide prevention programs and strategies: integrating local and national strategies for suicide prevention
Navigating Mental Health Challenges in women’s lives: What does the data tell us?
Inspiration session: Global thought leaders share what is exciting in mental health advocacy at the moment
Plus many opportunities for online networking, sharing of resources and making connections!
Continuing the conversation on global mental health beyond the Advocacy Forum
If you don’t already, please do follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn.
All GMHAN members are encouraged to join our Working Groups and continue the conversation in our online community of Circle. You can join Circle, our free networking platform exclusive to members here.
As the membership and Working Groups continue their connecting and influencing in 2024 and 2025, we’re also excited to plan for the next meeting. More information is coming soon.

The GMHAN Annual Meeting Key Benefits
Provide a unique opportunity for global mental health advocates to convene and build relationships on a scale like no other
Engage with decision makers and thought leaders outside of the membership base, who are crucial to the development of the field of global mental health
Build networks and relationships to help achieve impact through collective mental health activism
Leverage the collective voice of the Action Network members to learn, develop your practice and engage influential stakeholders