Our Secretariat
United for Global Mental Health is the host organisation for the Action Network and manages the secretariat.
Our advisory group provides the strategic direction for our network and, as a part-appointed and part-elected body, it represents the membership.
Appointments and elections to the advisory board take place regularly.
Dr Antonis Kousoulis
Director of Partnerships and Secretariat Lead
A public health specialist with over 10 years’ of senior executive experience across the not-for-
profit sector, government and academia
Divya Sharma
Global Mental Health Action Network Officer
An experienced network convenor with a background in global mental health and international security
Advisory group: 2023 - 2024
Appointed members
Devora Kestel
World Health Organisation representative (observer)
WHO Director of the Department of Mental Health and Substance Use
Giovanni Sala
World Health Organisation representative (observer)
Consultant, Department of Mental Health and Substance Use, WHO
UN agency representative
Mental Health Advisor, UNICEF
South Africa
Emma Ferguson
UN agency representative
Mental Health Policy and Advocacy Specialist, UNICEF
Sarah Kline
Host Organization
Co-founder and CEO, United for Global Mental Health
Elected members
Youth Representative
Emotional Intelligence Coach, Hashvibe World
International CSO Representative
Founder, itotheN
Representative for the Americas
Board of Trustees, Partnership for Children
Representative for South East Asia
CEO, Mariwala Health Initiative
Representative for Eastern Mediterranean
Co Founder & CEO, Humanity Crew
Representative for Europe
Clinical Psychologist; Mental Health Advisor
Geoffrey Khira Omega
Representative for Africa
Programs Manager, Basic Needs Basic Rights Kenya
Representative for Western Pacific
Board Director, World Federation for Mental Health
Stella Tan
International Agency Representative
Policy Analyst, Health & Development, UNDP