Working Groups

We work together to tackle specific issues through Working Groups. Group members meet regularly and create connections, co-produce original content, and advocacy strategies in the fight for better global mental health.

Our Working Groups are established, steered and chaired by members of the Network. These groups allow members to collaborate on shared priorities and projects with the support of our Secretariat.

As an Action Network member, you have the opportunity to participate in one or several Working Groups. The members of each Working Group decide on its objectives and priorities. The group's Co-Chairs lead the organisation of virtual meetings and online exchanges of the group.

Find a Working Group

  • Children & Youth

    We champion youth leadership and promote positive mental health outcomes for young people and their communities.

  • Financing

    We work to increase and improve the financing and resourcing for mental health across prevention and care services.

  • Universal Health Coverage

    We advocate for all people having access to the mental health services they need.

  • Suicide Prevention

    We champion effective prevention for all and the decriminalisation of suicide in 20+ countries around the world.

  • Communications

    We create collaborations and share best practices for effective communication.

  • Environment

    We advocate for collective action and integration of mental health in advocacy on the environment and climate change.

  • Data & Research

    We improve our research skills and advocate for more effective and complete mental health data around the world.

  • Stigma & Discrimination

    We challenge mental ill-health stigma & discrimination in local & global contexts.


    We facilitate shared learning, strengthen collaboration and break down barriers in a safe and supportive space.