
We work to network, share resources and collaborate on key global moments from a communications point of view. Effective communications are essential for all mental health advocacy and activism. This Working Group was established to connect communications professionals and those interested in communicating effectively, in the mental health sector across the world.


Faith Kyateka Nassozi

Communications Advisor, Policy, Advocacy and Finance, United for Global Mental Health.

Holly Elliott

Media and Engagement Manager, StrongMinds

Deborah Adenikinju

Founder of Mental Health KAFE

Our Focus

Through regular meetings, learning opportunities, information exchange, public events, and collaborative activities. Our members work in a variety of ways to achieve our shared best practices of communications on global mental health. The communications Working Group also acts as a platform to enhance the role of communications for better mental health.

Our work includes:

  • Creating a forum for communications professionals involved in mental health to use for networking, sharing of resources and collaborating on global moments including World Mental Health Day.

  • Using the Lancet Commission Report on Ending Stigma and Discrimination Report recommendations to implement better media representation of PWLE and mental health by engaging with journalists and sharing best practices.

  • Engaging in major communications campaigns on global mental health and amplify key activities through the Action Network.

  • Helping drive individual organisational engagement in coordinated communications activities.

  • Providing training and support from comms professionals outside the network to provide online talks, seminars and workshops to help enhance the communications

Registration for this Working Group is open!

How to join us:

  • Sign up for the Global Mental Health Action Network (Action Network) and select your preferred Working Groups. Register here.

  • Once you’ve signed up, you’ll receive an email inviting you to create your account for our online Community platform, Circle. Once complete, you will have access to the Working Group spaces that you selected in your registration form.

  • Circle supports us to communicate, collaborate and take action together as a global mental health advocacy community. We look forward to seeing you on the platform!

  • If you are already a member of the Action Network and would like to sign up for the Working Group, please email