The financial resources for mental health are inadequate. This Working Group was established with the aim of increasing and improving mental health finance across the world.
Working Group Co-Chairs
Anaami Pandit-Haji
Classic Planning Institute, US
Faheem Ahmed Akhtar
Vital Strategies, Pakistan
Julia Greenland
Healthy Brains Global Initiative, Kenya
Our Focus
Through regular meetings, we aim to share and create learning opportunities for Action Network members, facilitate information exchange, develop policy briefings, submit collective statements for political processes, and provide technical support.
Our Work
Financing Child, Adolescent and Young People's Mental Health- Our joint report with the Children & Youth Working Groups, explores the need for greater investment, the current levels of investment, what great investment can achieve, and what needs to be done to increase and improve investment in child, adolescent and young people's mental health.
Guide: How to Urge Finance Ministries to Invest in Mental Health- Working Group members have produced this resource to support everyone working to influence a finance ministry to increase mental health financing. This document provides a framework and overarching guidance with recommended language, approaches, and resources that may be critical in persuading finance ministries to invest more in mental health.
Recommended reading: Financing of mental health: the current situation and ways forward

Registration for this Working Group is open!
How to join us:
Sign up for the Global Mental Health Action Network (Action Network) and select your preferred Working Groups. Register here.
Once you’ve signed up, you’ll receive an email inviting you to create your account for our online Community platform, Circle. Once complete, you will have access to the Working Group spaces that you selected in your registration form.
Circle supports us to communicate, collaborate and take action together as a global mental health advocacy community. We look forward to seeing you on the platform!
If you are already a member of the Action Network and would like to sign up for the Working Group, please email admin@gmhan.org