LGBTQI+ Mental Health
The LGBTQI+ Working Group has been set up to provide a safe and supportive space to facilitate shared learning, strengthen collaboration and break down barriers among individuals and institutions working to address the mental health needs of LGBTQI+ communities in LMICs and everywhere sexual and gender minorities face discrimination and marginalisation. Working Group members will work to develop shared resources and strengthen the evidence base tailored for interventions and treatments. The full concept note for this Working Group can be accessed here.
Working Group Co-Chairs
The Working Group has been founded by a diverse group of innovators working at the intersection of LGBTQI+ rights and mental health. They include:
Dena Batrice, from SameSame (USA)
Roy Dahildahil from MentalHealthPH Inc (Philippines)
Rena Janamnuaysook from Tangerine Community Health (Thailand)
Anna Macdonald from Elton John Aids Foundation (International)
Raj Mariwala from Mariwala Health Initiative (India)
Jonathan McKay from SameSame (USA & South Africa)
Yves Miel Zuniga from United for Global Mental Health (International)
Viet Mason Trinh from Lighthouse Social Enterprise (Vietnam)
Milton Wainberg from Columbia University (USA)
Co-chairs will be nominated and elected in the first meeting of the Working Group. More details to follow soon.
Our Focus
Below is a list of proposed initial deliverables for the group, subject to input from the Working Group members:
Host a series of learning sessions that will provide practitioners in this area space to showcase their expertise and share challenges and opportunities.
Compile a calendar of noteworthy events and special days, identifying opportunities to engage a larger audience about LGBTQI+ mental health issues.
Map noteworthy identity-affirming LGBTQI+ mental health interventions to build greater visibility and understanding of the work that is already happening
Conduct stakeholder mapping and a rapid literature review to collect, collate and synthesise data related to the mental health gap for LGBTQI+ individuals.
Identify the most compelling pieces of evidence that could be used to make a stronger case for the development of more identity-affirming LGBTQI+ interventions.
Our Work
Blog by the Working Group’s leadership team: Addressing the underserved needs of LGBTQI+ communities in LMICs.
Recommended Reading: “We are facing extinction”: Escalating anti-LGBTI sentiment, the weaponization of law and their human rights implications in select African countries

Registration for this Working Group is open!
How to join us:
Sign up for the Global Mental Health Action Network (Action Network) and select your preferred Working Groups. Register here.
Once you’ve signed up, you’ll receive an email inviting you to create your account for our online Community platform, Circle. Once complete, you will have access to the Working Group spaces that you selected in your registration form.
Circle supports us to communicate, collaborate and take action together as a global mental health advocacy community. We look forward to seeing you on the platform!
If you are already a member of the Action Network and would like to sign up for the Working Group, please email admin@gmhan.org