Civil Society Speaks - Our Step Association, Jordan
Building hope and breaking stigma: the impact of Our Step Association in Jordan.
Our Step Association is a Jordanian organization that focuses on increasing the participation of service users and their families as key stakeholders in the mental health field, advocating for their rights and raising awareness of mental health. One unique feature of Our Step Association is that all activities are implemented by service users, giving people with mental health conditions a voice in decisions related to their wellbeing.
Through awareness raising, training, advocacy, networking, partnerships and collaborating with other nongovernmental organizations, the association has made significant achievements at national level. For example, it advocated for service users to be elected to the board of the Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Today, nine service user representatives and three parents of persons with disabilities sit within the board of trustees.
Additionally, service users have become key partners with UN agencies and international nongovernmental organizations, and the association has developed a Jordanian National Mental Health Action Plan (2018–2021). The association has made a positive impact on the people it serves. Through peer-to-peer training, service users have gained the knowledge and skills they need to help their friends and family members dealing with mental health conditions. Our Step Association has given hope to people who have been marginalized and excluded, and has shown that with determination, dedication and a strong vision, it is possible to effect change in even the most challenging circumstances.
Find out more about Our Step Association here:
The Regional Mental Health and Substance Use Coalition is designed to help civil society organisations connect, exchange knowledge on evidence-based initiatives and programmes implemented at country and regional level and participate in events organised by WHO and countries.